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Covid-19 Information & Medical Links

When all around You are saying Pandemic and Only 1 side get to present Information - It does not promote Trust

The below links are to various sources of Information - most have been blocked by the Main stream and Social media outlets.
(Call me Crazy - I feel this violates the Free Speach)


"How To Get Rich"
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100 Years of Medical Robbery

06/10/2004 - Dale Steinreich
Our mentor has always been Hippocrates, not Adam Smith

President of a County Medical Society at an AMA meeting quoted in the February 16, 1981 issue of the New York Times.

Think the problem with Health Care just Started with Covid19 - Look what was being written in 2004.

This weekend (June 11-13, 2004), the American Medical Association (AMA) will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its Council on Medical Education. The medical establishment understandably sees the formation of the Council as a good thing. However, some patients aren't ready to celebrate yet, and their instincts may be good.

The American Medical Association (AMA) was founded in 1847 around two propositions: one, all doctors should have a "suitable education" and two, a "uniform elevated standard of requirements for the degree of M.D. should be adopted by all medical schools in the U.S."1 In the days of its founding AMA was much more open--at its conferences and in its publications--about its real goal: building a government-enforced monopoly for the purpose of dramatically increasing physician incomes. It eventually succeeded, becoming the most formidable labor union on the face of the earth.

Since AMA's creation of the Council a century ago, the U.S. population (75 million in 1900, 288 million in 2002) has increased in size by 284%, yet the number of medical schools has declined by 26% to 123.8 9 In terms of admissions limits, the peak year for applicants at U.S. schools was 1996 at 47,000 applications with a limit of 16,500 accepted. This works out to roughly 64% of applications rejected. On a micro level, for the last six years the University of Alabama (hardly a beacon of prestige in the medical discipline) has averaged about 1,498 applicants per year with an average of about 194 accepted. This is about an 87% rejection rate. The sizes of the entering classes have been of course even smaller, averaging about 161.

To Read The Rest of the Article"
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To Read A A Follow Up Article dated 08/27/2004 by Dale Steinreich"

Interventionism cannot be considered as an economic system destined to stay. It is a method for the transformation of capitalism into socialism by a series of successive steps—Ludwig von Mises, "Middle of the Road Policy Leads to Socialism," April 18, 1950.

We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good—Hillary Rodham Clinton, June 28, 2004

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Follow Up
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Children's Health Defense

The below file is a partial release ordered by a Judge that the Pfizer Company release
through a FOIA and is made available by Children's Health Defence
(BNT162b2 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports

You will see why Pfizer wanted to wait over 50 years for the info to be released. Be sure to check out the last 9 pages - see the adverse events they were looking at.

Click the Link to read the info:
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A good Site for Information - The Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance (VAMFA) is a non-profit:
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Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule - Recommendations for Ages 18 Years or Younger, United States, 2022

Click the Link to see the CDC's Recommendations for Ages 18 Years or younger - Immunization Schedule:
Immunization Schedule
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VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 10/28/2022

See How this compares to the Other Vaccines in the VAERS database

Click the Link to see the VAERS Analysis Charts:
Vaers Analysis Charts
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COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work and Possible Causes of Injuries

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson - Published December 7, 2022 650,164 Views

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson will lead a roundtable discussion, COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries, to shed light on the current state of knowledge surrounding the vaccine and the path forward. Medical experts and doctors who specialize in COVID-19 vaccine research and treatment will join Sen. Johnson at the roundtable.

Click the Link to see the 182 Minute Video:
182 Minute Video
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Click the Link to see short Verison - 42 Minute Video:
42 Minute
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Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance - Oct 1 - live stream

The Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance (VAMFA) is a non-profit, non-partisan coalition of Virginia doctors, other healthcare professionals, organizations, and citizens.

We are alarmed by the public health system’s encroachment over time, to the point of a stranglehold during the COVID crisis, on the freedom of healthcare professionals to provide private, individualized and evidence-based ethical care to their patients.

We are alarmed by the violations of true voluntary informed consent about what is done to our bodies and the bodies of our loved ones (my body, my choice).

In Virginia up to 22,000 have died from COVID as a result of being denied life-saving early treatment and being subjected to inflexible one-size-fits-all hospital treatment protocols.

Our Mission Statement
VAMFA’s mission is to Educate, Engage, Protect Americans’ God-given rights, and Defend and Restore Constitutional restraints on the government of our republic.

What We Support
We support the Declarations of the Global Covid Summit,* a battle cry from doctors who are fighting for the right to treat their patients, and the right of patients to receive those treatments – without fear of interference, retribution or censorship by government, pharmacies, pharmaceutical corporations, and big tech. *Oct 2021, May 2022; children: Dec 2021, June 2022

One Comment below:

Exceptional details and courageous speakers committed to medical integrity and freedom. Every American citizen should watch this presentation and support all the individuals who contributed to this wealth of information.

Click the Link to see the 2 hr 50 Minute Presentation:
Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance
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AAPS Foundation Sues Medical Dictators – AAPS News August 2022

The AAPS (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons) Educational Foundation has filed suit against the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology (ABOG), the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM), and Alejandro Mayorkas, in his official capacity as the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The lawsuit concerns defendants’ “unprecedented campaigns to censor speech that they falsely disparage as ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’” (tinyurl.com/y3arw78t).

“Defendants wrongly misuse their authority in a politically partisan manner to chill speech…. Defendants have acted in an apparently coordinated manner, using similar timing and terminology, to censor those who exercise their First Amendment rights on issues of public concern,” the complaint states.

It notes that the Board Defendants have certification monopolies. “Although only official state medical boards have the proper authority to regulate the practice of medicine, certifications by the Board Defendants constitute a de facto essential credential for practicing in most hospitals or participating in most networks.” Threats to revoke certification improperly chill speech, and Defendants, unlike licensure boards, have no political accountability.

ABIM and ABFM have already sent letters to physicians threatening them with revocation of their earned board certifications based on their statements on issues of public concern. Board Defendants are apparently retaliating against physicians who were praised by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., in his bestselling book The Real Anthony Fauci, in some cases expressly because of criticizing Dr. Fauci, who as a government official may be freely criticized.

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AAPS Foundation Sues Medical Dictators
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Declaration IV - Restore Scientific Integrity

A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists to end the National Emergency, Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity.

Physicians and Medical Scientist - May 11, 2022

We, the physicians and medical scientists of the world, united through our loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath, recognize that the disastrous COVID-19 public health policies imposed on doctors and our patients are the culmination of a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare institutions, along with the financial trusts which control them. They have infiltrated our medical system at every level, and are protected and supported by a parallel alliance of big tech, media, academics and government agencies who profited from this orchestrated catastrophe.

After two years of scientific research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared, we have demonstrated and documented our success in understanding and combating COVID-19. In considering the risks versus benefits of major policy decisions, our Global COVID Summit of 17,000 physicians and medical scientists from all over the world have reached consensus on the following foundational principles:

Click the Link to see the 60 Minute Video and read the supporting Declaration they endorse:
Restore Scientific Integrity
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Physician Pharmacist Collaboration Scores a Victory for Patients
by Dr. Peter McCullough | Jul 30, 2022 | Health, Politics

We have heard so much from frustrated patients and doctors throughout the pandemic about the poor access to early therapies and unacceptable care processes and outcomes of hospitalization, that many of us feel like there is nowhere to turn. At times the hardships endured by patients and families scrambling for medication with the threat of hospitalization and death looming on the horizon seem unbearable.

In this issue of the McCullough Report, Dr. Denise S. Sibley, from Johnson City, TN, tells our audience how she successfully worked with the legislature of her state through a great deal of effort to ultimately bring into reality, collaborative agreements allowing pharmacists to dispense weight-based dosing courses of oral human ivermectin to ambulatory patients with acute COVID-19.1

In 2022, she provided expert testimony and medical insights to legislators. She was commended for her exemplary service to the community with a resolution passed by the House and Senate and signed by the Governor.2 Now that physicians have had experience with all of the antivirals: hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, Paxlovid, and mulnipiravir, many doctors have concluded that the most rapidly acting agent is ivermectin, and at 0.6 mg/kg per day for 5-10 days, it is the most effective and the safest of all of the drugs in this class of medications.

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"Victory for Patients"
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To Hear the above interview - Click the Link below (Interview Starts at the 12 minute mark)

"Victory for Patients Audio"
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To go to Dr. Denise S. Sibley Website (See the Link Below)

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"Dr. Denise S. Sibley"
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Link Below -

Click Here For the Link To - Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VARES) Website
or go to the below

VAERS website is - https://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html

Data Points used - Vaccine Type, Event Category, Covid19 (Covid Vaccine) All ages, All Genders, All Events, The United States/Territories/Unknown
Data Points used - Vaccine Type, Event Category, Covid19-2 (Covid Vaccine), All ages, All Genders, All Events, The United States/All Locations

Covid19 Results Pulled on 3/10/23 - Deaths 38,022 - Total - 1,506,723 - All Locations
Covid19 Results Pulled on 3/10/23 - Deaths 20,311 - Total - 918,604 - The United States/Territories/Unknown

Covid19-2 Results Pulled on 3/10/23 - Deaths 213 - Total - 23,999 - All Locations
Covid19-2 Results Pulled on 3/10/23 - Deaths 203 - Total - 23,808 - The United States/Territories/Unknown
Covid19 Results Pulled on 3/3/23 - Deaths 37,950 - Total - 1,504,379 - All Locations
Covid19 Results Pulled on 3/3/23 - Deaths 20,269 - Total - 917,192 - The United States/Territories/Unknown

Covid19-2 Results Pulled on 3/3/23 - Deaths 204 - Total - 23,371 - All Locations
Covid19-2 Results Pulled on 3/3/23 - Deaths 195 - Total - 23,189 - The United States/Territories/Unknown

Covid19 Results Pulled on 2/24/23 - Deaths 37,830 - Total - 1,501,875 - All Locations
Covid19 Results Pulled on 2/24/23 - Deaths 20,191 - Total - 915,725 - The United States/Territories/Unknown

Covid19-2 Results Pulled on 2/24/23 - Deaths 193 - Total - 22,971 - All Locations
Covid19-2 Results Pulled on 2/24/23 - Deaths 185 - Total - 22,800 - The United States/Territories/Unknown

Results Pulled on 7/15/22 - Deaths 32,224 - Total - 1,341,608 - All Locations
Results Pulled on 7/15/22 - Deaths 16,277 - Total - 842,576 - The United States/Territories/Unknown
Children's Health Defence
COVID-19 Vaccine Reactions

The following information was submitted by individuals using our Reactions Form.

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"Vaccine Reactions"
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Date the Results were Pulled - 6/16/21 - Deaths 4,946 - Total - 326,239


Why The Vaccines Don't Work
American Thinker - January 20, 2022 - Why The Vaccines Don't Work - By James Stansbury

A recent article introduced the term "negative efficacy" regarding COVID vaccines and implied that this reaction explains
why more vaccinated than unvaccinated people are getting sick with COVID.

It [negative efficacy] doesn't mean the protection wears off (like we were told). It means the OPPOSITE of what you were told: it means the vaccines helps the virus to infect you (by suppressing your immune system, probably permanently each time we are injected according to Dr. Ryan Cole).

In short, we've been lied to about the vaccine. It is protecting you less and less over time. While you may get a benefit for earlier variants, the benefit for other variants (and likely other diseases) is going to be negative. In short, you are getting a short term benefit against Delta, but at the expense of a degradation of your overall immunity to everything else.

Sweden is there because of its notoriously minimal lockdowns followed by praise for its success in achieving natural herd immunity well before any other Western country. India was added because it alone appears to have tamed COVID from day one by using common, inexpensive therapeutics in its early outpatient protocols (notably hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin) and much less reliance on vaccines. Except for one surge in hospitalizations and deaths due to the emergence of the delta variant, India has experienced far fewer total deaths relative to its population.

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Don't Work
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January 13, 2022 - Booster Bust: Medical Establishment Changes Its Mind - By Vasko Kohlmayer

There is a tectonic shift underway in the medico-scientific establishment: they are starting to walk back boosters.

The first indication of this dramatic change of attitude came from the United Kingdom last week.

On January 7, Reuters ran a wire titled UK Says 4th COVID Jabs Not Needed for Now As Booster Effect Lasts. That piece featured the following sentence in its opening paragraph: “there is no need for now for people to have a fourth shot, British health officials said on Friday.”

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"Negative Efficacy"
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All plan B Covid restrictions, including mask wearing, to end in England
The Guardian - Peter Walker, Sally Weale and Andrew Gregory - Wed 19 Jan 2022 11.21 EST

PM says plan B measures will stop on 26 January and compulsory self-isolation for people with Covid on 24 March

Boris Johnson has announced the end of all Covid measures introduced to combat the Omicron variant – compulsory mask-wearing on public transport and in shops, guidance to work from home and vaccine certificates – from next week.

The prime minister also told the Commons that the legal requirement on people with coronavirus to self-isolate would be allowed to lapse when the regulations expired on 24 March, and that date could be brought forward.

To cheers from some on the Conservative benches, Johnson announced an immediate end to the need for pupils to wear masks at secondary schools.To Read The Article"

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England To End Restrictions
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One Vote Short in Stopping CMS Vax Mandate
As AAPS predicted last Friday, the Supreme Court just blocked the Biden employer vaccine mandate (by a vote of 6-3), while allowing the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) vaccine mandate to be enforced by a vote of 5-4.m

AAPS - Association of American Physicians and Surgeons - Jan 13, 2022

The joint decisions make no mention anywhere of the VAERS data of a million adverse effects reported after receiving the Covid vaccine, despite how our general counsel emphasized that in our amicus brief. Nor is there any mention of how the vaccine is reportedly ineffective against reducing infections from the Omicron variant, as published in the Wall Street Journal earlier this week.

There were four strong dissenters against the CMS vaccine mandate. Our side was merely one vote short of a majority. Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Kavanaugh joined the Left side of the Court to enable its 5-4 margin.

We are analyzing the decisions now to consider future actions. This reinforces the desirability of getting out of Medicare facilities if you can or, if desired, seeking an vaccine exemption as allowed by the CMS mandate.

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Supreme Court Just Blocked the Biden Employer Vaccine Mandate
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Claim Alleging Injury or Death From a COVID-19 Countermeasure to Be Compensated
More than 4,000 other claims await decision by the U.S. government compensation program
The Epoch Times - By Meiling Lee - December 18, 2021 Updated: December 19, 2021

For the first time amid the pandemic, the U.S. government compensation program will pay out one of the 4,751 claims alleging injuries or death arising from the administration of a covered countermeasure used to diagnose, treat, or prevent COVID-19.

Countermeasures may include emergency authorized or federally approved vaccines, drugs, and medical devices that the Food and Drug Administration allows for use during a public health emergency.

“One COVID-19 claim has been determined eligible for compensation and is pending a review of eligible expenses,” the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) reported.

A total of 5,242 claims have been filed with the CICP from 2010 to Nov. 1, 2021, of which 4,751 claims are related to injuries or death from COVID-19 countermeasures, specifically 2,297 claims are for COVID-19 vaccines and 2,454 for other countermeasures.

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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny joins Mike Adams with latest Update on Covid Vaccines and the Fate of Humanity

10 Months after the start of the Covid19 Vaccinations - It is time to find out what has happened (that has not been censored)

It must be remembered - From a past Harvard study only 1% to 10% of the adverse events get reported
and make it to the VAERS Data base

The Following is from the CDC's Vaers Data Base for COVID19 VACCINE (COVID19) all reports for 2022.
(Some of the Vaccinated have reported more than one type of event from the Vaccination)

Total 894,145 --- Death 20,224 2.26% --- Life Threatening 22,122 2.47% --- Permanent Disability 31,186 3.49% --- Congenital Anomaly / Birth Defect 719 0.08%

Hospitalized 100,833 11.28% --- Existing Hospitalization Prolonged 1,199 0.13% --- Emergency Room / Office Visit 58 0.01% --- Emergency Room 104,920 11.73%

Office Visit * 148,978 16.66% -- None of the above 595,684 66.62%

Click the Link to see the 52 Minute Video:
Update on Covid Vaccines and the Fate of Humanity
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C19 Vax Reactions


• We are a large and ever growing group of Americans who were previously healthy and have been seriously injured by the COVID vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J as well as Astra Zeneca in the clinical trial stage in the United States).

• We are pro-vaccine, pro-science and were excited for the opportunity to be vaccinated and to do our part in helping to end the pandemic.

• We are completely independent of any other organization.

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Vax Reactions
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One of their Stories

Vaccine-Injured Doctor Shares Her Dramatic Experience - The Tamar Yonah Show

Dr. Danice Hertz, a gastroenterologist who got the experimental mRNA shot against covid, got badly injured soon after taking the injection. She tells Tamar that she waited the 15 minutes one is required to wait after getting the shot, then left to leave. After getting into her car, she started to feel her face burning. She drove to her home which was five minutes away, but by the time she walked through the door, her body was in so much pain and agony, that she told her husband to call the paramedics.” Soon, she also started feeling painful sensations throughout her body as if she like was vibrating. She developed severe Paresthesia in her face, tongue, scalp, chest & limbs. She developed twitching, headaches, tinnitus, dizziness and extreme weakness. Hertz's journey as a vaccine-causality began. There are many others like her who were injured, she states, “Our search for much needed medical care after suffering these vaccine injuries has been largely fruitless...We have reported our injuries to VAERS, the FDA, CDC and the vaccine manufacturers with very few of us receiving follow-up or even acknowledgement. This lack of acknowledgement has left us as further collateral damage from the pandemic.

Hertz states that those who were hurt by the shot feel ABANDONED, and left alone on the battlefield.

This is a MUST LISTEN to show.

Dr. Danice Hertz
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Hospitalisation among vaccine breakthrough COVID-19 infections
The Lancet - Volume 21, ISSUE 11, P1485-1486, November 01, 2021
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Vaccine Breakthrough
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Physicians/Facilities Offering Early Treatment for Covid 19 - Telemedicine

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We Have another Source of Covid-19 information and Help - AAPS -
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance - Prevention & Treatment Protocols for COVID-19 and much More

Here you can get your Free - Physician List & Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment PDF E-Booklet

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Republican Lawmakers Question Attacks on Ivermectin as COVID-19 Treatment
/The Epoch Times - By Emel Akan September 28, 2021 Updated: September 29, 2021

WASHINGTON–A group of Republican lawmakers threw their support behind doctors who advocate for the right to use ivermectin, an inexpensive antiparasitic drug, for treating COVID-19.

Ivermectin is the latest drug caught in controversy after demand surged dramatically in August. Physician and pharmacist groups, including the American Medical Association “strongly oppose” the prescribing of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 patients. Federal health agencies also issued warnings recently to prevent the use of the drug, stating that “adverse effects associated with ivermectin misuse and overdose are increasing.”

Critical care physician Pierre Kory, however, describes correctly administered ivermectin as “a gift” in the fight against COVID-19.

“I know ivermectin works. I’ve been using it to treat patients for 10 months now,” Kory told The Epoch Times.

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"LOS ANGELES, CA – America’s Frontline Doctors released the following statement in response to inaccurate and slanderous reporting by both Time Magazine and NBC News.

When Covid-19 hit in March 2020, the formal recommendation from the United States government was to lock down and only come to the hospital if you could not breathe. Never before in the history of our nation has this been medical advice. Over the past 18 months, the government has contended that there is nothing that can be done other than masking to protect individuals from COVID-19. The human cost of that reckless and unscientific prescription has been massive. This has been attested to by thousands of doctors worldwide including several testifying before Congress.

A small number of courageous physicians in the US and around the world put their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor on the line, and started treating Covid patients early to prevent hospitalization, mechanical ventilation, and death. These intrepid doctors, including Dr. Vladimir Zelenko in upstate New York, Dr. Brian Tyson in California, and Dr. Didier Raoult in Marseilles, France, achieved extremely impressive clinical results, using various combinations of hydroxycholoroquine, ivermectin, zinc, vitamins and antibiotics.

AFLDS was formed in response to the unprecedented media censorship of early outpatient treatment of Covid-19 with cheap, easily available drugs. We responded to the enormous humanitarian need by aggressively working to make hydroxychloroquine over the counter, just as it is in many other countries. A Citizen’s Petition was filed with the FDA on October 12, 2020 and was ignored, and thus AFLDS worked to establish relationships with telemedicine companies to enable physicians to see patients virtually. Several other organizations stepped into this void as well and together with qualified physicians appropriately prescribing these proven, safe and effective medications, have saved millions of lives.

Globally it is well known that early treatment works but this truth continues to be frantically suppressed by the dishonest American media. In India the scientist who withheld this cheap, safe medicine from her people is now facing the death penalty. In Japan the Tokyo Medical Association urged all doctors to prescribe ivermectin. In China Chloroquine has been recommended since March 2020. In America the mainstream media failed to report >300 studies showing early treatment works, including the American Journal of Medicine and the American Journal of Therapeutics and the treatment algorithm posted by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. The Wall Street Journal did attempt to shame the FDA for trying to block people’s access to the Nobel Prize winning drug.

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Dr. Dan Stock: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Dr. Daniel “Dan” Stock is a physician who has gone viral after speaking about COVID-19 during a Mt. Vernon school board meeting in Indiana on August 6, 2021. His viewpoints on the pandemic have divided people on social media, causing debate and discussion.

Here’s what you need to know:
1. He Disagreed with COVID-19 Measures During a School Board Meeting
During a Mt. Vernon school board meeting, Stock spoke about why he disagreed with measures to combat COVID-19, including mask mandates and vaccinations, WTHR reported. A six-minute clip of his speech is circulating on YouTube. (Removed From YouTube)

He identified himself as a functional family medicine physician who is “specially trained in immunology and inflammation regulation” and is from north McCordsville, Indiana. (See the third section below in this article for an epidemiologist’s response to Stock’s claims in his speech.)

Stock claimed that everything being recommended by the CDC and the state board of health were “contrary to all the rules of science.” He said the virus is “spread by aerosol particles which are small enough to go through every mask,” which he said was supported by three studies sponsored by the NIH.

“Because they (respiratory viruses) cannot be filtered out and they have animal reservoirs…no one can make this virus go away,” he said. Stock added in his speech that he believed this was different from smallpox, which does not have animal reservoirs.

Click the Link to Read the Transcript of the Video:
Dr. Dan Stock
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Harvard Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff on Vaccine Passports, the Delta Variant, and the COVID ‘Public Health Fiasco’

“Those who are pushing these vaccine mandates and vaccine passports … they’re doing so much more damage to vaccine confidence than anybody else,” says Dr. Martin Kulldorff, one of the world’s leading epidemiologists.

In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Kulldorff for a deep dive on COVID-19 immunity, vaccines, the Delta variant, and why he believes the global COVID response has been the “biggest public health fiasco in history.”

Dr. Martin Kulldorff is a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a biostatistician and epidemiologist at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He helped develop the CDC’s current system for monitoring potential vaccine risks, and he is also one of the co-authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, which argued for “focused protection” of the most vulnerable, instead of lockdowns.

Click the Link to see the 70 Minute Video:
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COVID-19 Survivors Have Broad, Longer-Term Immunity
By Rajee Suri - August 7, 2021 Updated: August 7, 2021

People who have recovered from COVID-19 retain broad and effective longer-term immunity to the disease, according to a new study.

Findings of the study, which is the most comprehensive of its kind so far, have implications for expanding understanding about human immune memory as well as future vaccine development for coronaviruses.

For the longitudinal study in Cell Reports Medicine, researchers looked at 254 patients with mostly mild to moderate symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection over a period of more than eight months (250 days) and found that their immune response to the virus remained durable and strong.

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Longer-Term Immunity
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74 Percent of COVID-19 Cases From Massachusetts Outbreak Occurred in Fully Vaccinated People: Study
By Zachary Stieber The Epoch Times - July 30, 2021 Updated: July 30, 2021

A COVID-19 outbreak in a Massachusetts county in July primarily occurred among vaccinated people, sparking fears that a variant of the CCP virus can impact that population more than other strains.

Of the 469 cases detected in Barnstable County, 74 percent occurred among the fully vaccinated, according to a new study published on Friday.

Genomic sequencing of 133 patients showed most of them were infected with the Delta variant of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.

The bulk of the infected people did not require hospital care, but among the five that did, four were fully vaccinated.

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"Wake-Up Call to the World - Question and Answer Session"

Watch the full video here:

Wake-Up Call to the World:
Question and Answer Session Steeling The Mind Bible Event
March 13th, 2021 - Candlelight Christian Fellowship

Dr Simone Gold is a Doctor and lawyer. Also she is a member of "America's Frontline Doctors".
Find out what you do not know about covid-19 and What you are not being Told.

From Vit d, Adverse Events and Legal - it gets answered.

To See The 31 Minute Video"
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Question and Answer Session
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Watch the full video here:

Chew On This! host, Reinette Senum, interviews 2 pharmacists, Dr Jen and Dr Guy, on the frontlines. They share how pharmacies have changed over the years, what is happening today, and their firsthand accounts of how people are responding to C-V-D. Join us for another insightful conversation, to help us all better understand and navigate a complicated world.

There is a lot more to this than just counting the pills.
Is Big Chain Pharmacy more into production and sales than patients?

Listen & decide.

To See The Video"
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"WHITE COAT SUMMIT: The One Year Anniversary"

Watch the full video here:

A review of the year that changed the world and reminded us what matters most. America’s Frontline Doctors presents a powerful delivery of accurate scientific data, the law and a critical defense of human rights, and citizen engagement in the necessary process of protecting American freedom.

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We Have a New Source of Covid-19 Information and Help - FLCCC
Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance - Prevention & Treatment Protocols for COVID-19

Medical Misinformation. Who is really spreading it? We discuss scientific data and debate. See our Weekly Updates

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Nonprofit Sues HHS to Immediately Stop Emergency Use Authorization of COVID-19 Vaccines
By Li Hai July 22, 2021 Updated: July 22, 2021

Lawsuit citing whistleblower's claim that the true deaths following vaccination are much higher than reported

America’s Frontline Doctors, a nonprofit, filed a motion on July 19 seeking immediate injunctive relief to stop the emergency use authorization (EUA) of COVID-19 vaccines for three groups of Americans: anyone under the age of 18, anyone who has recovered from COVID-19, and those who haven’t given informed consent as defined by federal law.

The motion was filed against Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and other defendants in a federal district court in the Northern District of Alabama.

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Nonprofit Sues HHS
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Nurse Blows the Whistle on the Medical Industry: ‘They’re Not Offering Informed Consent’
By Jessica Marie Baumgartner July 9, 2021 Updated: July 9, 2021

Last week, America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) came to speak in Kansas City, Missouri. AFLDS founder Dr. Simone Gold brought her message that COVID-19 is nothing to fear and that there are treatments available. At the start of the pandemic, she was fired after speaking out in support of anti-malaria medication hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).

At the time, President Donald Trump was praising the effectiveness of the drug, but shortly after, the FDA revoked emergency use authorization for it. Now, recent studies are confirming that “Low-dose hydroxychloroquine combined with zinc and azithromycin was an effective therapeutic approach against COVID-19.”

The Epoch Times interviewed Sarah Absher, a registered nurse who worked in the field for 8 years but quit this spring and decided to volunteer with AFLDS after what she witnessed. She expressed her passion for the “medical freedom fight” and offered previously unseen materials to support her claims.

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Medical Industry
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Event 2021: A comprehensive assessment of the Covid Pandemic
Presented by Dr. Richard Fleming Richard M Fleming PhD, MD, JD.

Dr. Richard Fleming presents ‘Event 2021’, A science-based presentation on the Covid Pandemic, from the Virus, to vaccines, treatments, and the Public Health response.

Evidence shows that this virus is engineered with Gain of Function (GoF) including mechanisms creating an Inflammo Thrombotic Response (ITR) with mRNA Reverse Transcription (RT) into cell DNA with Prion-like structures present in the virus spike protein. ​

Watch this and you will understand why Some People are calling Covid-19 "A Crime Against Humanity"

Click the Link to see the 4.5 hour Assessment:
Event 2021
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Click the Link to Read the PDF of the above Video - Event 21
PDF - Event 2021
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"Two New COVID-19 Vaccines on the Horizon – They’re Different and Appear to be Safer"
Posted on June 30, 2021 by Donnie Yance

The mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna have been heavily promoted for ending the Covid-19 pandemic. With claims that they are ‘extraordinary’ and ‘revolutionary,’ these vaccines have occupied center stage for more than a year.

A recently published retrospective case series studied patients within the US Military Health System who experienced myocarditis after a COVID-19 vaccination between January and April 2021. The study found that myocarditis occurred in previously healthy military patients with similar clinical presentations following receipt of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. A total of 23 male patients presented with acute onset of marked chest pain within 4 days after receipt of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. The military administered more than 2.8 million doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in this period. While the observed number of myocarditis cases was small, the number was higher than expected among male military members after a second vaccine dose.

But wait, there are other, potentially safer and equally effective vaccines now available. When the Maryland-based biotech firm Novavax announced its latest trial results last week—with an efficacy rate of more than 90 percent even against coronavirus variants—the news barely made headlines.

I suspect we are all suffering from ‘vaccine information overload.’ But the Novavax vaccine deserves serious consideration. The approach used by Novavax was first implemented for the hepatitis B vaccine, which has been used in the U.S. since 1986. The pertussis vaccine, a standard childhood vaccine, is also made in this way. Because it is based on older, more familiar science, people who have been wary of getting the mRNA vaccines may find Novavax an acceptable and appealing alternative.

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"We have to stop experimenting on our children." Dr. Angie Farella, Joey Gilbert, Esq.

Watch the full video here, and download the infographics to share on social media: AFLDS.org/Films

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"Half of Adults Infected in Latest COVID-19 Outbreak Were Fully Vaccinated: Israeli Official"

By Jack Phillips June 25, 2021 Updated: June 25, 2021 - The EPOCH Times

About 90 percent of new COVID-19 infections in Israel were caused by the CCP virus’s Delta variant, officials said, while adding that about half of the adults infected in the recent outbreak were fully vaccinated.

Ran Balicer, who leads an expert advisory panel for the Israeli government, in announcing the finding on Friday, said that the country might end up implementing another lockdown after opening up earlier this year, according to the Wall Street Journal. The fully vaccinated individuals were inoculated with the Pfizer COVID-19 shot commonly used in Israel.

“The entrance of the delta variant has changed the transition dynamics,” he noted, referring to the B.1.617.2 strain of COVID-19 that has now been detected in more than 70 countries. COVID-19 is the illness caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, otherwise known as the novel coronavirus.

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Fully Vaccinated
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https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_breakingnews/half-of-adults-infected-in-latest-covid-19-outbreak-were-fully-vaccinated-israeli-officials_3874223.html?utm_source=News&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2021-06-25-2&mktids=e28a71b000836845a73f1958a989d207&est=nl0nBdcx7tRl1UD0f3nD5LVK4C6i8LEQxnf3rJQ0wv2xrivsXx%2FYUGt47R1%2FVg%3D%3D *****************************************************************************************************
They pretended there were no treatments’: Former Pfizer VP - Dr Michael Yeadon
and Chief Science Officer talks to Secure Freedom Radio

Dr Michael Yeadon was the Former Research Head, Pfizer Corp.

To See The 8 minute News Video"
Click the Link

Former Pfizer VP
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‘Urgent’ British Report calls for complete cessation of COVID vaccines in humans

An “urgent preliminary report of Yellow Card data” issued by the UK-based Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd submitted to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) states that “the MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans.”

Similar to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), the MHRA describes the purpose of its Yellow Card system as providing “an early warning that the safety of a medicine or a medical device may require further investigation.”

The report, signed by Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd and EbMC Squared CiC Director Dr. Tess Lawrie (MBBCh, PhD), says: “we have searched the Yellow Card reports using pathology-specific key words to group the data according to the following five [sic] broad, clinically relevant categories:

Bleeding, Clotting and Ischaemic ADRs - Immune System ADRs - ‘Pain’ ADRs
Neurological ADRs - ADRs involving loss of Sight, Hearing, Speech or Smell
Pregnancy ADRs”

To Read the Rest of the Article"
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British Report
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Tucker: How Many Americans Have Died after Taking COVID Vaccines?

Posted on May 9, 2021 by Soren Dreier - Author: Tucker Carlson

To See The News Video"
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Tucker Carlson
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Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2: ‘In 2 to 3 Weeks, Big Lawsuits Will Start’
Posted on May 31, 2021 by Soren Dreier

Many people have pinned their hopes on German-American lawyer Reiner Fuellmich to save us from the clutches of the big corporations and the World Economic Forum.

We are in a kind of Third World War, where the middle class is destroyed and SMEs are taken over by giants like Amazon. They have been working toward this for more than 10 years, Fuellmich said a few days ago in conversation with English writer and journalist James Delingpole.

In two to three weeks, big things are going to happen

“In a few weeks, very big lawsuits are going to start,” said Fuellmich, who has his sights set on German virologist Christian Drosten, who designed the PCR test for corona; Lothar Wieler, the director of the German RIVM; and others. “They are easy to catch.” He has additionally heard from American friends that “they are going after Fauci”. “He may be fired,” he says.

“In two to three weeks, big things are going to happen on three different continents,” stressed Fuellmich, who works with some 200 to 300 other lawyers. “Then we will see if the legal system still exists or if it has already been completely taken over by the other side, which I don’t think is the case.”

You won’t read anything about this in the media

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Big Lawsuits Will Start
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Thousands of Lawyers and Doctors Filed Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code
Notice: Auto translated from Swedish. - – Soren Dreier

Background to the new Nuremberg Trials 2021 :

A large team of more than 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts, led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, has initiated legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.

Fuellmich and his team present the incorrect PCR test and the order for doctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death – as fraud.

The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% inaccurate at 35 cycles. All PCR tests monitored by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC acknowledges that tests over 28 cycles are not allowed for a positive reliable result.

This invalidates over 90% of the alleged Covid cases / “infections” detected by the use of this incorrect test.

In addition to the incorrect tests and fraudulent death certificates, the “experimental” vaccine itself violates Article 32 of the Geneva Convention.

Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not required for the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited.

According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a serious breach of the Convention.

The “experimental” vaccine violates all 10 Nuremberg codes – which carry the death penalty for those who try to break these international laws.

1) Provides immunity to the virus

This is a “leaky” gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid and claims that they reduce the symptoms, but double-vaccinated are now 60% of patients who need ER or ICU with covid infections.

To Read The Article"
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Nuremberg Code
Americas Frontline Doctors
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It’s Here: First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination: Attorney Interview

To See The LKawyer Interview"
Click the Link

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America's Frontline Doctors Files Motion for
Temporary Restraining Order Against Use of COVID Vaccine in Children

XAVIER BECERRA, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Black & White Partnerships; and ABC Corporations I-V

America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) today filed a motion in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama requesting a temporary restraining order against the emergency use authorization (EUA) permitting using the COVID-19 vaccines in children under the age of 16, and that no further expansion of the EUAs to children under the age of 16 be granted prior to the resolution of these issues at trial.

The case will challenge the EUAs for the injections on several counts, based on the law and scientific evidence that the EUAs should never have been granted, the EUAs should be revoked immediately, the injections are dangerous biological agents that have the potential to cause substantially greater harm than the COVID-19 disease itself, and that numerous laws have been broken in the process of granting these EUAs and foisting these injections on the American people.

To Read The Article"
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Temporary Restraining Order
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Motion for Temporary Restraining Order Against Use of COVID Vaccine in Children
To Read The Order and see the evidence"
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Motion for Temporary Restraining Order Against Use of COVID Vaccine in Children Lawyer Interview
To see the 16 minute Interview"
Click the Link

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[Exclusive Documentary] DeSantis: Florida vs. Lockdowns

Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdowns that followed have ravaged much of what Americans hold dear. And virtually every aspect of life has been at the mercy of our government leaders, as they navigated uncharted territory.

A governor’s single decision could mean the death of a loved one, the decimation of your life’s work, or being deprived of a final goodbye. The cost of a poor policy decision has never been more devastating.

In the face of all this, one governor has stood out.

Through exclusive interviews with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, his advisors, and others in his orbit, American Thought Leaders host Jan Jekielek brings us on a journey to discover who DeSantis really is, what motivates him, and how he charted a different course for Florida, while navigating censorship, misinformation, and pressures from legacy media.

Click the Link to see the 54 Minute Video:
Governor Ron DeSantis
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Independent Doctors

" America's frontline doctors Presents - The Uncensored Truth Tour"
(Physicians and Patients Standing Up for Science, Freedom, and Common Sense)

Dr Simone Gold is a Doctor and lawyer. Also she is a member of "America's Frontline Doctors".
Find out what you do not know about covid-19 and What you are not being Told.

America's Frontline Doctors Website is https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/ - Link America's Frontline Doctors

Click the Link to see the Latest Stream from The Uncensored Truth Tour - 75 Minute Video:
Dr Simone Gold - Uncensored Truth Tour
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India's COVID crisis: How did it happen and what to expect | DW Special Report

DW News presents a special edition on India's unfolding coronavirus crisis. More than a million and a half cases in just a week, and thousands of deaths, every day. India is overwhelmed. Crematoriums are working overtime, hospitals can't take in more patients and medical supplies are running low. How did it come to this and will things get worse, before they get better?

The deadly chaos of the second wave of coronavirus infections is in stark contrast to the first. Last year, India dealt with that by imposing what was called the world's strictest lockdown. India's streets fell empty and coronavirus case counts dropped eventually, seemingly contrary to warnings about the danger India faced.

But the first wave of the pandemic seemed to have spared India. At the end of March 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi ordered a total lockdown of the entire population for three weeks - the most severe step taken anywhere in the world at that point.

It appeared to be a success. By the beginning of summer, the country of 1.3 billion people was still recording a small number of daily cases. When monsoon season hit, cases rose steadily, peaking at over 90,000 per day. But in October, with the virus in decline, government scientists speculated that India had reached herd immunity.

The ruling party flaunted its success. Modi spoke at the World Economic Forum at the end of January, declaring the virus 'defeated.' When India began vaccinating, it took pride in exporting vaccines to other countries in need.

Click the Link to see the 41 Minute Video:
India's COVID crisis
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Independent Doctors

Dr.Shelley Cole, Medical Director AFLDS

America's Frontline Doctors Website is https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/ - Link America's Frontline Doctors

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The Covid Chronicles

If you ask someone about Covid 19 – The Answer you will receive - If they are being honest – I do not know what to Believe.

The purpose of the Chronicles is to provide information in one place that covers the opinion of Independent Doctors and the Position of the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (Dr Fauci). This is by no means all the information you will find if you decide to look. Hopefully this will get you started & provide a reference you can use to make your decisions on Covid 19.

(The Chronicle's Information is located between the double star red lines - Starting Below with Masks)

We will start with Face Masks:


Respiratory Infection Control:
Respirators Versus Surgical Masks

It is important that employers and workers understand the significant differences between these two types of personal protective equipment. The decision whether or not to require workers to use either surgical masks or respirators must be based upon a hazard analysis of the workers’ specific work environments and the different protective properties of each type of personal protective equipment.The use of surgical masks or respirators is one practice that may reduce the risk of infectious disease transmission between infected and noninfected persons. Since there is limited historical information on the effectiveness of surgical masks and respirators for the control of influenza during any previous pandemics, the effectiveness of surgical masks and respirators has been inferred on the basis of the mode of influenza transmission, particle size and professional judgment.

Due to the ever changing of Article Content - We have a direct Link to the OSHA Article and a downloaded PDF copy of the Article - Date 3/21/21

To Read The Article"

Click the Link

or go to:
To Read The PDF"
Click the Link

Masks 3/21/21
or go to:
http://www.kwteaparty.com/PDF/3 21 21 Face Masks OSHA3219.pdf
Independent Doctors

"Masks: The Science & Myths"

Dr. Lee Merritt, MD, Summit, Summit II
See the real Truth about Masks - This is not your CDC approved video - Surgeon Merrit MD - tells you what was taught in medical school & you will see why what is happening today could be called just wrong.

America's Frontline Doctors Website is https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/ - Link America's Frontline Doctors

Make This one of the videos you watch.

Click the Link to see the 21 Minute Video:
or go to:
Government Infornmation www.cdc.gov

The Center of Disease Control and Prevention Website you will find
all their positions on all areas of Covid 19 including the Vaccines.

Be Sure to check out what they have to say about masks.

Click the Link to go to the CDC Website:
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Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine


Fact Sheet

You are being offered the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by
SARS-CoV-2. This Fact Sheet contains information to help you understand the risks and benefits of receiving
the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine, which you may receive because there is currently a pandemic of COVID-19.

The Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine may prevent you from getting COVID-19. There is no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19.

Read this Fact Sheet for information about the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine. Talk to the vaccination provider if you have questions. It is your choice to receive the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine.

The Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine is administered as a single dose, into the muscle.

The Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine may not protect everyone.

This Fact Sheet may have been updated. For the most recent Fact Sheet, please visit
www.janssencovid19vaccine.com. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW

Click the Link to Read the rest of the Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet
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Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine


Fact Sheet

You are being offered the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2. This Fact Sheet contains information to help you understand the risks and benefits of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, which you may receive because there is currently a pandemic of COVID-19.

The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is a vaccine and may prevent you from getting COVID-19. There is no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19. Read this Fact Sheet for information about the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. Talk to the vaccination provider if you have questions. It is your choice to receive the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine.

The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is administered as a 2-dose series, 1 month apart, into the muscle.

The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine may not protect everyone.

This Fact Sheet may have been updated. For the most recent Fact Sheet, please visit

Click the Link to Read the rest of the Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet
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Fact Sheet

You are being offered the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2. This Fact Sheet contains information to help you understand the risks and benefits of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, which you may receive because there is currently a pandemic of COVID-19.

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is a vaccine and may prevent you from getting COVID-19. There is no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19.

Read this Fact Sheet for information about the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Talk to the vaccination provider if you have questions. It is your choice to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is administered as a 2-dose series, 3 weeks apart, into the muscle.

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine may not protect everyone.

This Fact Sheet may have been updated. For the most recent Fact Sheet, please see

Click the Link to Read the rest of the Fact Sheet:

Fact Sheet
or go to:
http://www.kwteaparty.com/PDF/4 13 21 Pfizer_FDA-1.pdf

Independent Doctors

"COVID-19 Vaccines"
by Alila Medical Media

RNA Vaccines (mRNA Vaccine) - Basis of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, Animation

The basis of upcoming Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus vaccines. How it works? Pluses and minuses.

Click the Link to see the 3 Minute Video:
or go to:
Independent Doctors

Dr.Shelley Cole, Medical Director AFLDS

America's Frontline Doctors Website is https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/ - Link America's Frontline Doctors

Click the Link to Read the Information:
or go to:
Independent Doctors

"Dr Simone Gold "The truth about the CV 19 Vaccine"
(Youtube is Over - LBRY & Odysee are Here - they bring you this Video

Dr Simone Gold is a Doctor and lawyer. Also she is a member of "America's Frontline Doctors".
Find out what you do not know about covid-19 - This video reinforces the old addage "There is no Free Lunch"

America's Frontline Doctors Website is https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/ - Link America's Frontline Doctors

Make This one of the videos you watch.

Click the Link to see the 56 Minute Video:
Dr Simone Gold
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Independent Doctors

"AFLDS White Coat Summit II Sessions"
The second White Coat Summit was held in Washington D.C. October 16-17, 2020. Its purpose was to have frontline doctors talk directly to the American public, educate and inform policy leaders, and create alliances to enable physicians to heal our nation. Its emphasis was on the proven success of early treatment.

America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) stands up for every American looking for the best quality healthcare by empowering doctors working on the front lines of our nation’s most pressing healthcare challenges. We help to amplify the voices of concerned physicians and patients nationwide to combat those who push political and economic agendas at the expense of science and quality healthcare solutions.

AFLDS is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization.

America's Frontline Doctors Website is https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/ - Link America's Frontline Doctors

Make This one of the videos you watch.

Click the Link to see the AFLDS Summit II Sessions:
Summit II Sessions
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" Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)"

Have you had a reaction following a vaccination?

Contact your healthcare provider.
Or Report an Adverse Event using the VAERS online form or the downloadable PDF. New!

VAERS is co-sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), agencies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Click the Link to go to VAERS:
Vaccine Reaction Injuries
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"The High Wire"

Healthcare workers report suffering ‘full body convulsions’ after COVID-19 vaccines

In an interview with Del Bigtree on The HighWire, the three women, all previously pro-vaccine, detailed their struggles with tremors, memory loss, and “full-body convulsions” since their coronavirus shots. They said that the issues, which they attribute to the vaccines, have left them unable to work or care for themselves.

Click the Link to see the 75 minute Video:
Healthcare Workers
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"The High Wire"

Reported vaccine injuries continue to climb, Pfizer seeks full approval for COVID vaccine

The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

In the U.S., 240.2 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of April 30. This includes 105 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 127 million doses of Pfizer and 8 million doses of the Johnson &Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.

Of the 3,837 deaths reported as of April 30, 24% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 16% occurred within 24 hours and 39% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

Per the 4/30/21 VAERS data:

Click the Link to read the Article:
Vaccine Injuries
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Independent Doctors

"COVID Cure? - Dr. Richard Bartlett interview."

This video is about Dr. Bartlett's experience with treating COVID19 and his success.

Click the Link to see the 20 Minute Video:
or go to:

Independent Doctors

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explains how the depopulation mRNA vaccines will start working in 3-6 months

Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny is an osteopathic medical doctor, board certified in three medical specialties. Widely regarded as the most knowledgeable and outspoken physician on the adverse impact that vaccines can have on health, Dr. Tenpenny has been a guest on hundreds of radio and national television programs (including the Dr. Oz Show and the Today Show Australia). She has lectured at Cleveland State University and Case Western Reserve Medical School, and has been a speaker at conventions, both nationally and internationally, as a recognized expert on a wide range topics within the field of Integrative Medicine including breast health, breast thermography, women's hormones, medical uses of iodine and the adverse effects vaccines have on health.

Click the Link to see the 63 Minute Video:
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Hillsdale College
Science, Politics, and COVID: Will Truth Prevail?
February 2021 • Volume 50, Number 2 • Scott W. Atlas

Imprimis is the free monthly speech digest of Hillsdale College

The following is adapted from a speech delivered on February 18, 2021, at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in Phoenix, Arizona.

The COVID pandemic has been a tragedy, no doubt. But it has exposed profound issues in America that threaten the principles of freedom and order that we Americans often take for granted.

First, I have been shocked at the unprecedented exertion of power by the government since last March—issuing unilateral decrees, ordering the closure of businesses, churches, and schools, restricting personal movement, mandating behavior, and suspending indefinitely basic freedoms. Second, I was and remain stunned—almost frightened—at the acquiescence of the American people to such destructive, arbitrary, and wholly unscientific rules, restrictions, and mandates.

To Read The Article"

Click the Link

Science, Politics, and COVID
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COVID-19 Vaccine Bill of Rights

South Carolina House Concurrent Resolution 3988

If you wish to read the Bill that is being considered in SC - Bill Title: Memorialize the US Congress re: Vaccination Bill of Rights.

Click the Link

Vaccine Bill of Rights
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"COVID-19 Vaccines"
by Alila Medical Media

RNA Vaccines (mRNA Vaccine) - Basis of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, Animation

The basis of upcoming Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus vaccines. How it works? Pluses and minuses.

Click the Link to see the 3 Minute Video:
or go to:

"Masks: The Science & Myths"

Dr. Lee Merritt, MD, Summit, Summit II
See the real Truth about Masks - This is not your CDC approved video - Surgeon Merrit MD - tells you what was taught in medical school & you will see why what is happening today could be called just wrong.

America's Frontline Doctors Website is https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/ - Link America's Frontline Doctors

Make This the one of the videos you watch.

Click the Link to see the 21 Minute Video:
or go to:

"Dr Simone Gold "The truth about the CV 19 Vaccine"
(Youtube is Over - LBRY & Odysee are Here - they bring you this Video

Dr Simone Gold is a Doctor and lawyer. Also she is a member of "America's Frontline Doctors".
Find out what you do not know about covid-19 - This video reinforces the old addage "There is no Free Lunch"

America's Frontline Doctors Website is https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/ - Link America's Frontline Doctors

Make This the one video you watch.

Click the Link to see the 56 Minute Video:
Dr Simone Gold
or go to:
